Thank you for sponsoring the Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival
Every sponsor of the Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival is part of one of the largest family festivals in Westchester County. In fact, every sponsor is part of one of the largest children’s book festivals in the country.
Each sponsor has the opportunity to meet over thousands of visitors at the annual flagship festival in Chappaqua, NY and connect with thousands more through facebook, instagram and twitter.

2025 Festival Sponsor Options
Want to discuss more ideas?
* This is a rain or shine event. Use of a tent for your area and, in case of rain,
tent walls or a tarp is strongly advised.
*Merchandise vending is subject to prior approval by festival board*
*Book vending is prohibited in sponsor area*
Title Sponsor (1)
- Limited to one company/corporation by invitation
- Top billing in promotional materials
- Price and benefits subject to negotiation
Masterpiece Sponsor
- Primary position of company logo on advertising campaigns (digital &print ads, festival banner, posters, and guide) and on festival website (with a direct link to company website).
- Social media posts to our 5,000+ followers throughout the year for company events or promotions
- Premiere placement at festival (includes table & chair)*
- Exclusivity (considered for the Masterpiece Sponsor level only, limited to direct competitors of company)
Classic Sponsor
- Prominent placement of company logo on local advertisements & posters, festival guide, and on festival website (with a direct link to company website).
- Social media posts to our 5,000+ followers throughout the year for company events or promotions
- Prominent placement at festival (10’ x 20’ area-includes table & chair)*
Page Turner Sponsor
- Company logo on select festival advertising, guide, and on website sponsor page (with a direct link to company’s website)
- Social media posts to our 5,000+ followers throughout the year for company events or promotions
- Select placement at festival (10’ x 15’ area-includes table & chair)*
Ready to Read Sponsor
- Company name on designated signage, festival guide, and sponsor page of website.
- Designated section (10’ x 10’ area-includes table & chair) in sponsor area on day of festival*
* This is a rain or shine event. Use of a tent for your area and, in case of rain, tent walls or a tarp is strongly advised.
Interested in supporting the festival as a
local business, family,
or as a community member?
Choose the option below that works best for you:
Family/Community Supporter
($200 donation to the festival)
Family/Community supporters receive acknowledgement on festival website, signage, and guide
Local Business Supporter
($100 donation to the festival)
Local Business supporters receive business name on festival website, signage & guide